
Chapel Services

chapel-servicesThe spiritual identity of TST is grounded in the Christian faith, expressed through the liturgy and tradition of the Episcopal church.  We are an institution whose spiritual self-understanding is Christian, but at the same time, a place where students of all faiths are welcomed, respected, and loved by God.  Every human being has value because God has created them in His own image.  We endeavor to understand what it means in the 21st century to love God, ourselves, and our neighbor. 

All students and faculty at TST attend regular chapel services.  We celebrate the good news and message through both word and sacrament.  Our chapel program consists of an abbreviated form of Morning Prayer, as found in the Book of Common Prayer.  Students officiate the majority of Wednesday, all-school chapel service.  The priest, students, faculty, and guest speakers provide “chapel talks” that strive to articulate love of God, oneself and neighbor.  Once a month, we celebrate Holy Eucharist in a more formal/traditional service.

Music, creativity, and media are used to convey different messages in Chapel that in various ways serve to support our identity.  Since we are created in God’s image, we also bear creative qualities that allow us to worship more fully.  We provide both traditional worship and more contemporary worship at various times.  Through media, music and creativity we hope to make relevant spiritual teachings to the student of today.  We hope that all students finds in themselves the desire to truly give back to a world – to our neighbors – who need their help, love and mercy.