Campus Visitor Policy

1. Report first to the Main Office in the Upper School building.
2. Sign in on the Visitor Sheet.
3. Obtain a Visitor Badge from the receptionist.
4. Please wear this badge at all times, while on campus.
5. When ready to leave campus, please return the badge to the Main Office and sign out.
Student Pickup Policy
When you come to campus to pickup your child from a classroom for an appointment, or any other reason outside of normal dismissal times, please follow the procedure below:
Report first to the Main Office in the Upper School building and sign the child out.
Obtain a “Release Slip” from the receptionist.
Take the “Release Slip” to the classroom teacher who will retain the slip for the school records.
If a staff member stops you to say visitors need a visitors badge, please show him or her the “Release Slip” so he or she knows you are only going to be there long enough to pickup your student.
NOTE: Most Middle and Upper School students are escorted from the classroom the Main Office by staff members when parents arrive. A “Release Slip” is not issued in this situation. A “Release Slip” is only issued to a parent, or the person picking up the child, when the parent/person is picking up the child directly from the classroom so the teacher knows this release is approved.